Audio | Video | Control
June 2020
Matt Chapman, Dave Martin,
Nate Roach
Lower Hutt Events Centre  

Audio Workshop was commissioned to provide Hutt City Council with a solution for the Lower Hutt Events Centre. Run by the Council, Lower Hutt Events Centre is a venue for hire that includes corporate meeting rooms, two large event spaces and the Lower Hutt Town Hall.

The incumbent audio visual system in the Centre needed to be assessed and reviewed as a number of its features, such as the wireless AV connection and video streaming, were not functioning consistently and the control system was not allowing third party control to work seamlessly.   Audio Workshop was engaged to replace the control system and the wireless AV video units in three corporate boardrooms, to replace the overall video system and address any network related issues.

The specific design for the Lower Hutt Events Centre included:·      
 Existing QSC QSYS DSP·       
QSC’s8 inch touch screen controls·       
Barco Click Share used for the AV Wireless connection·       
Visionary Solutions for the AV over IP video/audio system.

Audio Workshop leveraged the existing QSC QSYS DSP, which was originally used for audio only, and utilized its third party control features with QSC’s 8 inch touch screen controls.  QSYS is a very powerful platform and when programmed well is rock solid, allowing third party products to be integrated and controlled seamlessly.   QSC’s UCI control interface allows for highly graphic control layouts making it very simple for anyone to control the system.  In addition, it has the ability to display important information from a Venue Management perspective, such as projector lamp hours, network status and fault monitoring. QSYS monitoring status is set up to email Audio Workshop technicians when a fault or config issue is discovered, potentially picking up a problem before the client is aware of a problem.  QSYS allows Audio Workshop to have remote access to the system. Technicians can problem solve, update and fault find from anywhere with an internet connection.

Audio Workshop researched and tested multiple brands of wireless AV solutions before selecting Barco Click Share.  We found this product to be the most reliable and stable with any make, model or age of laptop.  It has the ability to stream video content while still being very easy to use for the end user.

Visionary Solutions offers a stable and reliable AV over IP platform with seamless integration with QSYS control. Using the existing QSC QSYS system in the Events Centre and maximizing its ability to be used for control saved the client money.  The selection of Barco Click Share and Visionary Solutions provided stable, reliable and simple to use wireless connection and video streaming, both of which could be integrated with the QSYS system seamlessly.  The addition of QSYS remote monitoring means Audio Workshop can provide support and customer service in a timely manner.
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